MGO grading on its own is no guarantee that honey is genuine Manuka Honey!
The credibility of an industry and reputation of a trading nation is under threat.
Numerous press articles both in New Zealand and internationally, are raising concerns over the authenticity of Manuka honey, what is genuine and what is the real deal.
Genuine Manuka Honey is certified Mono-Floral and must always come from New Zealand
The New Zealand Government MPI have gone to great lengths to create a Manuka Honey Science Definition. This is the only true legislative measure.
Do not be fooled MGO is not part of the MPI Manuka Honey Science Definition.
Only Manuka honey, harvested, tested, certified, packed and labelled in NZ for export is subject to this higher standard. Manuka Honey that is not packed and labelled in NZ may not have been tested to these levels and the labelling may not clearly and obviously show if the honey is Multi-Floral or Mono-Floral.
The consumer must be made aware. Honesty must prevail. The knowledge void leads to some very questionable interpretation and promotional messaging from brands and retailers.
For more information on Manuka honey and the wonderful nutritional benefits, it contains plus telltale signs to look out for when purchasing manuka honey, click here